Événements Marquants

Depuis les premiers étuis à lunettes et les produits de la ligne de maroquinerie en cuir sous la marque Fedon, l’histoire de l’entreprise raconte un trajet à travers le monde de la lunette représentant un style de vie en recherchant la beauté dans le moindre détail.

Explorons ensemble les chapitres important de cette histoire

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Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "year" in the group"
Could not find subfield with key "text" in the group"


La qualité de la production Fedon est également garantie par l'application d'un système certifié pour toute la filière.


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Contactez-nous pour découvrir comment pourrions-nous donner de la valeur à votre marque.


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